Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The wait

I read on a blog recently that "if moving overseas was easy, everyone would be doing it"... So true.

Moving overseas is not super easy and not for the faint of heart. There is a lot sitting around and waiting, coupled with spurts of super busy running around and then more sitting around and waiting.

We had hoped to be in London by now, alas it is not to be. In fact we probably have another month to go. It is at times frustrating, funny and a blessing.

It's frustrating because we really could have been in London by now if people just communicated with each other and if instructions were clear. The reasons we are not in London right now is because some times the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing or what they should be doing or who should be doing it.

It is funny because sometimes the left hand does not know what the left hand is doing or what the left hand has done. Kind of like a comedy of errors. When the  last thing happened I was able to laugh because the night before The Lord had spoke some scripture into my life.. That prepared my heart for the craziness of the next day. :)

It's a blessing because we get to spend time with friends and we get to spend time with each other. We get to read and rest.

I am ready though... I am ready to be settled in my home. I am ready for my kids to be able to have a routine and meet new friends and have their toys back.

I am ready for a ministry and something to do.

But here we are .... Waiting... But I have no doubt in a few days we will be rushing around trying to get paperwork done and then we will wait some more!

That's just the way it is. If it was easy... Everyone would do it

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