Monday, January 26, 2015


So being here in the UK I have realized that being an Officer in the USA we are VERY spoiled.

We are spoiled in many ways but especially when it comes to our health and the services we have  available to us.

In the UK they have NHS which stands for National Health System and it is FREE and available to everyone and anyone. This is amazing and great and a very good thing.

In the USA though we have incredibly brilliant health insurance and we have pretty much the pick of the crop when it comes to Dr's and hospitals etc.

I miss that so much.

I am incredibly blessed to have free services here and I so grateful to live in a country where health care is available to everyone...BUT.... I miss the care that I was able to receive with our insurance in the USA.

I miss Dr's taking more than a few minutes to actually check me out, I miss walking into shiny, clean looking Dr's offices. I miss always being able to get an appointment that day or at the least the next day.  I miss my girls having a Dr that was just for them and where I could ask them any question and not feel like I wasting their time and where they always had an appointment for them. I miss all the little extra's that made going to the Dr in the USA a pleasant experience for the most part.

I miss all those things and sooooo much more

But here is the deal..I was spoilt. I was better off than so many other people in the USA and as much as I miss all those things ( and I do) I think I do like the fact that health care is free here and that it is available to everyone.

I think I am okay with the fact that the wall paper is peeling off and the signs look messed up and worn out IF it means more people can have access to a Dr because they are spending money on health and on services rather than cosmetic things.

So yes I miss being spoilt but maybe its time to stop being selfish and maybe its time to TRUST the Lord with my health and the health of my kids and time to rejoice that everyone can have access to health without having to get into debt.  Just a thought.

I'm in HIS hands

"I'm in his hands, I'm in his hands.
Whatever the future holds, I'm in his hands"

These words have been a big part of my devotional time with the Lord these past few months. There have been many days where I have needed that assurance and that peace that comes from knowing that my life and my days are indeed in his hands.  I am beginning now to not only know those words as lyrics to a song  but I am also beginning to truly trust these words and know them to be true in my life.

If you have been following this blog at all you will know that things are over here have not always gone to plan (well at least according to my plans) but every day I am beginning to see that maybe things have been going EXACTLY according to plan (HIS plan).

A few weeks ago now we were given a new appointment here in the UK. Beginning march 29th we will be Corps Officers at Southwark Corps in London. We are excited for this new opportunity and excited to be part of a new community. Ready to serve and get stuck in.

We did not see this appointment coming at all, but ever so slowly it seems God had been working his plan out all along and we just did not know it. Also ever so slowly God has been giving us a heart for this place EVEN before we knew we were going there.

One of my first weeks at DHQ here I remember gazing out the window and being led to pray for this community and a housing estate ..little did I know then that my Corps appointment would be in that very community.

The last few months when walking around this community I have seen this place in a different light and seen so many different minsitry opportunities. Once again that was God just preparing my heart.

It's a good feeling to know that all along God had been leading us and setting us up for this place to become our ministry home.

I hope that if you ever doubt that God has you in his hands that you will eventually be able to see his handiwork ALL over your situations and the words of that song won't just be lyrics but a truth deep in your heart.