Tuesday, September 16, 2014

and so it begins

Part of my prayer in coming to London was that i would be challenged and uprooted from my confort zone. When you think of London you dont really think that it would be a challenge like that... But it is and I am so glad.

Its not like moving to a third world country of course but it has already challenged my materialism and my sense of what I am entitled to.

When we arrived in London we arrived at our house and through no fault of anyone our lights did not work and neither did the hot water and our house was small. I knew it was going to be but i was still shocked.

Due to being over tired and overwhelmed I cried over these things. And i was a little irritated.

Then the Lord gently chastised me for my hypocrisy. Did you not sign up for this? Why are you caught up in trivial things? You have a beautiful house and its your problem that you bought to many things to fill it.

God said to me on Day one...this journey will be a blessing but I will strip you of things in your life that hold you back from truly serving me.

So it begins and I praise God for that.

PS Here is the thing, it is the most beautiful house...i love it so much. We have been so blessed and so well taken care of. I am so deeply ashamed of how "things and where I was going to put them" took center stage that first day.

We also got to spend two weeks with Ashishs parents which was amazing. In my irritation I could have missed that blessing.

We have nothing at all to complain about.

So it begins....the stripping away...Lord have your way.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

taking flight

Our flight over to London was one big blessing and answer to prayer.

First up the international airport in Atlanta is wonderful. It is big and spacious and not at all crowded.

Our amazing,friends Matt and Daynes and their girls dropped us off and that was just a true gift to our family. Brittaney, Priya's teacher came and also said goodbye and that meant so much to us. Check was so easy and they did not,charge us for our extra bags and were very kind to us.

Security check in also went smoothly. I was amazed at how smooth. Big relief for me as luggage check in and security give me anxiety.

The actual flight was great and went rather quickly even with Alina on my lap the whole time.

Alina and Priya did so well on the flight and Priya was so excited to finally be going to London.

When we arrived in London going through customs was quick and they were so friendly to us (total shock) and it was a very painless process.

I was pretty numb the whole flight really. I was amazed at this dream coming true but also overwhelmed. I had not really allowed myself to get emotional saying goodbye to people because i knew if I started I would not stop. So on the plane I was trying to process that and also just shocked we were actually on our way.
I was in awe God but also allowing myself to grieve for the amazing friends we were leaving behind. It had also been such a long wait and so on the plane I felt like I could breathe as we had finally made it.

I felt the favor of the Lord was truly on us for our departure and arrival and I know that is because people were praying for us. Thank you friends!!

Next up is our arrival day and well it was a doozy.....so stay tuned.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fond Farewells

So its been while...but we are finally in London. Wow dream come true, but before we talk about London I need to backtrack for a few blog entries and talk about getting here.

We ended up staying in Atlanta for about 9 weeks so we were ready to finally leave when we did but it was still not easy to say goodbye to wonderful friends.

We have truly been blessed with wonderful friends in our life and the last two weeks there provided precious opportunities to spend quality time with friends.

First a week at bible conference and then a week in Atlanta. Dinners, brunch dates, day trips, birthday celebrations and just special times.

So hard to say goodbye to people that have truly blessed and enriched my life and that of family but i am so thankful to God for each person and know that distance wont change the impact or blessing they are.

Just incredibly grateful to God for those extra days with friends, gave me strength to leave.