Saturday, August 16, 2014

It's really happening

We got news this week that our VISA's were approved! Wow! Praise God indeed.
I was so excited I jumped up and down in the elevator and did a little dance.

There has never been a time that God hasn't eventually answered all my prayers. Seriously The Lord has always answered and given me my deepest desires and every time he does I am challenged by the fact that I always let doubt creep in when there is a delay in the answer.

I have testimony after testimony of his answers... So I need to stop doubting that he hears me. I really need to just learn to fully trust even in the delay.

So here we in hand, ready to go!

Thank you Lord for answered prayers, thank you for your grace even in the doubt and fear that creeps in. Thank you for your favor!!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Fear and Anxiety

So I have been very anxious the last few days and today was the worst of it.

I am a bit of a control freak. I like to be in control and I like to know the outcome of things.  I like order and feeling settled.

Right now I have no control over anything and it freaks me out completely.

I need something to control and to be able to know the outcome.

There are two things that really really freak me out and I panic.

One is filling out ViSA and other immigration paperwork and the other is going through customs at the airport.

Immigration stuff freaks me out . It is so serious and going to immigration offices makes me feel like a criminal. My anxiety level is always a 10.

Today I had to go to immigration and I needed a certain paper before we could get in. I did not have it and had to leave and get it and then come back. It was an easy fix but as soon I got in the car I cried. I had been on edge about this visit for days and I just felt like I messed up.

We came back and got our bio metrics done and we were told to send our papers in within 2

This created  even more anxiety because I would have to send them by myself and what if I made a mistake etc etc .

I just wanted it all out of my hands.

This fear and anxiety I have is not of God. It is the enemy and he is trying to destroy what should be joyful and exciting times . He comes and steals my joy, causes me to try and control things (which never works out) and causes my anxiety level to sky rocket.

I am working hard to find peace in The Lord. To release control of this whole situation. Trying to memorize scripture that will sink deep into my heart.

I think it is about surrender too. By holding onto tightly we don't let The Lord take over and it kind of becomes an idol to us.

I try to think ... So that's the worst that can happen if this does not work out... And usually the worst is not as bad as I think.

I also think that these situations are teaching me to trust in The Lord more...complete trust. When I think I can control any of these things that is pride.  When I begin to think any of it is about me , then that is when I begin to feel fear and anxiety .

This opportunity, this appointment comes from The Lord. He will have HIS way. I do not need to fear the outcome.

What are the things you are fearful and anxious about? Maybe it's time to release them to The Lord.